The owner of Desert Life Design and his books

The roughed-up
and refined team

The Milagro Family book cover

The Milagro Family

The Milagro Family is a fable about Isabella Milagro, a girl who has big dreams for her life. Isabella learns about her parents and discovers what-the-heck happened in their lives. Isabella changed the lives of the people she meets in unforgettable ways by embracing small miracles, or milagros.

Isabella possesses a subtle paranormal gift which is covertly hinted at and revealed. She has a magical way of looking at life, and each spiritual experience was a stepping stone. Uncovered along the way is her mother's reverence for the lowly praying mantis insect. George, the used car salesman and Isabella's father, doesn't easily accept his pretty wife's seemingly simple, primitive belief in the magical insect, but in time, even he believes.

Each quirky character in this fable has at least one special quality that makes them distinctively unique. The story-telling style is reminiscent of the revolutionary novel called "The Confederacy of Dunces, written by John Kennedy Toole.

This is a book for adults, with mature content and language.

Aliens want to live longer

Aliens visit the Earth and crazy things happen

You Will Be Dispersed

In 2017, an alien vessel circles the Earth. The sun, moon and stars disappear. The earth stays dark, the top of Pike's Peak is obliterated and Los Angeles suffers a devastating earthquake. Then the aliens make contact.

But life goes on, and a weatherman, a television preacher and his assistant, and an explosive general struggle to make sense of the Earth's new environment. The aliens patiently watch from above as they wait for a perfect opportunity to strike. The strange visitors have plenty of time. After all, they're almost like gods.

You Will Be Dispersed is approximately 52,500 words, with adult language, violence, and cagey alien creatures. Read it tonight!

Nerd steps over the edge

Lonely nerd climbs out a window and sees his life come into focus

This Might Help

A 12-year-old genius is kidnapped. As far as he's concerned, that's okay because high school isn't much fun for this alienated prodigy who doesn't fit in. He does have a friend who is a pretty cheerleader. She fits in everywhere. His only other friend is autistic, with paranormal abilities. Together, the unlikely friends team up to rescue their young, socially-inept, genius classmate.

One of the kidnappers is Gordon Murray. He's an ex-con who served time for bank robbery. He used to be called the Gentleman Bandit, because he was so darned polite. Nick Haines is the second member of the kidnapping crew. He's a young guy who served three years in prison for selling pot. The leader of the gang is Mario Valencia, a handsome, debonair con artist who makes women swoon. No female is immune to his charms. Together, the three hope to collect $5 million from Samuel Rhen, the boy's father.

This is an adult tale of alienation and eventual redemption. The characters are well-developed, with their own quirks and foibles. This Might Help is a 41,500-word adult novel. There is violence, adult situations, and scheming. However, there is no adult language in this book.

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I have an active imagination, and I love to put those thoughts and my strange dreams into words. Sometimes, I live through my characters, and maybe my characters were actually me in a past life. After all, "there are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamed of in man's vain philosophies." I think that was a paraphrased quote from Shakespeare, and it expresses the idea that life is a mystery to us all. No one knows what this strange trip called life is all about. But one thing is for sure, life goes by fast. It passes in a few blinks of our eyes.